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About Deviated Nasal Septum

A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall (nasal septum) between your nasal passages is displaced to one side. In many people, the nasal septum is off-center — or deviated — making one nasal passage smaller.

IMG Healthcare have an in-house team of board-certified ENT surgeons who are highly experienced in reconstructing a deviated septum to straighten it while improving the breathing quality.

Get advanced and the most effective septoplasty procedure to fix nasal septum deviation. We

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What is a Deviated Septum?

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The septum is made of cartilage and bone, which divides the nose into two equal parts. If that cartilage is inclined towards either side, it is referred to as a deviated septum. A deviated septum is considered a health condition and can cause severe concerns. People suffering from deviated septum usually report difficulty in breathing and congestion in the nasal passage. 

When a deviated septum is severe, it can block one side of the nose and reduce airflow, causing difficulty breathing. The exposure of a deviated septum to the drying effect of airflow through the nose may sometimes contribute to crusting or bleeding in certain people.

A nasal blockage or congestion (obstruction) can occur from a deviated nasal septum, from swelling of the tissues lining the nose or from both.

Therefore, the doctor will advise surgical intervention, which will be minimally invasive and performed with modern medical technology. Septoplasty is generally performed by an experienced ENT doctor, surgeon, or rhinologist. This procedure will restore the normal functioning of the nose while terminating all the breathing issues and nasal-related problems caused by nasal septum deviation. 


  • A condition present at birth. In some cases, a deviated septum occurs when the fetus develops in the womb and is apparent at birth.

  • Injury to the nose. 

  • In infants, such an injury may occur during childbirth. 

  • The aging process

  • Swelling and irritation of the nasal cavities or sinus cavities

  • Risk factors

  • For some people, a deviated septum is present at birth — occurring during fetal development or due to injury during childbirth. After birth, a deviated septum is most commonly caused by an injury that moves your nasal septum out of place. Risk factors include:

  • Playing contact sports

  • Not wearing your seat belt while riding in a motorized vehicle


  • Obstruction of one or both nostrils. This blockage can make it difficult to breathe through the nostril or nostrils. You may notice this more when you have a cold or allergies that can cause your nasal passages to swell and narrow.

  • Nosebleeds. The surface of your nasal septum may become dry, increasing your risk of nosebleeds.

  • Facial pain. There is some debate about the possible nasal causes of facial pain. A possible cause of one-sided facial pain could be a severe deviated septum in which surfaces within the nose touch and cause pressure.

  • Noisy breathing during sleep. A deviated septum or swelling of the tissues in your nose can be one of the many reasons for noisy breathing during sleep.

  • Awareness of the nasal cycle. The nose alternates between being obstructed on one side and then changes to being obstructed on the other. This is called the nasal cycle. Being aware of the nasal cycle isn't typical and can indicate nasal obstruction.

  • Preference for sleeping on a particular side. Some people may prefer to sleep on a particular side to optimize breathing through the nose at night if one nasal passage is narrowed.


  • Endoscopy- A thin flexible tube has an endoscope(camera) attached to the end with a bright light source. This tube is inserted in one of the nostrils to check the nasal septum deviation. This test gives the doctor an idea to suggest the best suitable treatment to fix the septum of the nose.

Risks Factors:

  • The risk factors are higher after birth for getting a deviated septum. The main risk factors are severe accidents that happen from:

  • Contact sports like football, cricket, baseball, and lawn tennis

  • Driving a car without a seatbelt

  • Riding a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

Risks & Complications if left untreated:

  • It is always suggested to consult the ENT doctor for a deviated septum. Delaying the treatment would always lead to worse complications and will affect life’s productivity. However, there are a few health concerns that can occur if a deviated nasal septum is left untreated:

  • Difficulty in breathing because of uneven airflow through the nostrils.

  • Inflammation on the tissue lining of the inner side of the nose.

  • Dryness due to increased airflow in one of the nostrils, which is wider than the other.

  • The nasal septum deviation makes the nose vulnerable to sinus infection.

  • Loud snoring happens during sleep because of the unequal nostrils.

  • The mouth becomes dry because of breathing through the mouth.

  • Frequent nosebleeds can occur because of severe dryness that may damage blood vessels inside the nose.

  • Disturbed sleep because of affected breathing quality.

How to prevent it?

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Usually, nasal septum deviation can not be prevented from any medication or remedies. However, there are certainly good practices you can follow which may prevent you from getting a deviated nasal septum:

  • Wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle to protect your face from any mishap that may cause damage to the nose structure.

  • Wear a midface mask when playing contact sports to prevent your nose from any serious injury.

  • It is always advised to wear a seatbelt while driving cars to avoid any severe injury.

  • Don’t wear a tight mask that may put pressure on your nasal septum. It may affect the structure of your nose.

  • Avoid smoking to minimize the issues related to breathing.


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

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