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 About Piles

Piles or hemorrhoids - though is a very common disease name, not many people prefer talking about it. Hemorrhoids' generally and knowingly referred to as 'Piles' are the lumps or swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum. They are a lot of times caused due to straining in the course of bowel movements, obesity, or pregnancy. Most commonly in India, almost every other adult is detected with piles because of poor or irregular eating habits, poor hygiene, and lack of exercise. Also, it is common for people who rapidly indulge in poor diet, lifestyle, and toilet habits.

Say Goodbye to Piles in 30 minutes With Our Painless Laser Piles Treatment

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What is Piles

Hemorrhoids' generally and knowingly referred to as 'Piles' are the lumps or swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum. They are a lot of times caused due to straining in the course of bowel movements, obesity, or pregnancy.

And the truth is that today nearly three out of four adults will have piles erratically off and on. Most commonly in India, almost every other adult is detected with piles because of poor or irregular eating habits, poor hygiene, and lack of exercise. Also, it is common for people who rapidly indulge in poor diet, lifestyle, and toilet habits.

How does Piles form?

The condition of piles is formed by constant pressure in the lower rectum. When a person constantly exerts pressure in areas around his rectum and the anus, due to reasons like constipation or lifting heavy weights, the blood vessels around those parts bulge and become swollen, forming piles. Due to constant straining, sometimes the veins might get wider and engorged with more blood than usual. These veins might form into one or more piles.

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  • Hemorrhoids (piles) can develop under strain, and the blood vessels around the anus and rectum expand and enlarge or bulge.

  • Other causes of Hemorrhoids include:

  • Straining during bowel movements

  • Alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle

  • Having diarrhea or constipation

  • Being overweight

  • Being pregnant

  • Western Diet

  • Regular heavy weight lifting








Physical/Visual examination: Your doctor would gently probe inside the rectum to feel if there is any anal swelling or abnormality.

Digital inspection: If the swelling is internal, your doctor might use an anoscope, sigmoidoscope, or a proctoscope to examine the lower portion of the rectum and the colon.

A digital rectal exam is required for the diagnosis of 'Internal Piles’. In this, a gloved and lubricated finger is inserted into your rectum. Whereas, there is a simple check-up procedure for 'External Piles’ as the doctors diagnose it simply by viewing.


Apart from digital examination latest technology of Videoproctoscopy is also available for exact diagnosis.

Risks & Complications during the surgery:

  • Piles surgical treatment is not a complex one. Hence, the chances of any risks are very rare. But, like any other surgical treatment, the success or risks associated with piles treatment are also highly dependent upon the severity of the condition and the surgeon’s experience. In rare conditions, a patient may suffer any of the following conditions after a piles surgery:

  • Bleeding – The chances of bleeding during piles surgery is higher in the case of open surgery. In case the surgeon is not experienced enough to precisely remove the inflamed tissues, there are chances that the patient may suffer from bleeding.

  • Infection – Infections can develop at any point during piles surgery. The chances are higher in rubber band ligation treatment for piles.

  • Reaction to anesthesia – Many patients report experiencing side effects of anesthesia. Due to the reaction, the patient might feel drowsy and nauseated for a longer time than usual.

  • Rectal prolapse – According to a report published on ScienceDirect, 12 random clinical trials have indicated that hemorrhoidectomy (hemorrhoid surgery) has an association with long-term risks of rectal prolapse.

Risks & Complications if left untreated:

  • The most common possible complication of piles is that they can get strangulated if left untreated for a long time. When piles become strangulated, the blood supply to those tissues is cut off. Due to this, the person might experience venous thrombosis within the piles. This may cause severe pain and even make the treatment complex. In case of piles get strangulated, the person may experience excruciating pain within 48-72 hours which may gradually disappear after a week or so.

  • Another significant risk that a person may suffer if he or she leaves hemorrhoids untreated is anemia. Piles, when grows, may cause blood loss along with stool. If the problem is not treated in time, the constant blood loss may make the person anemic and that may further give rise to several other health complications.

How to prevent piles?

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Image by Jo Sonn
Image by Julia Zolotova

Foods to avoid:

  • Red meat

  • Dairy foods (milk and milk products)

  • Fried and salty foods

Foods to add:

Add high-fibre foods to your daily diet

  • Whole grains (oats, ragi)

  • Legumes and beans (peanuts, peas, channa)

  • Fruits (apples and bananas)

  • Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, radish, cabbage)

Start drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water

  1. Swear by fiber in your diet

Piles is most common in people who do not consume enough fiber in their regular diet. To prevent piles, one of the easiest and natural ways is to stock up your diet with fiber-rich food. If you want to keep piles at bay, it is crucial to eat at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. Some foods rich in fiber are:

  • Whole grains, oatmeal, and brown rice

  • Beans and lentils

  • Vegetable and Brussel sprouts

  • Fruits such as bananas, apples, pears, and berries

  1. Drink sufficient water

Water along with a fiber-rich diet is very important for the prevention of piles. Drinking enough water prevents constipation which in turn decreases the need to strain while passing a bowel movement. If you want to prevent piles or manage your current condition of piles from becoming worse, add 6-8 glasses of water to your system. It will help your digestive system function properly.

  1. Don’t hold the urge to pass stool

If you feel you need to go to the toilet, go, don’t wait. Going to the toilet when the system calls is actually a very simple way to prevent piles. Ignoring nature’s call can have its own complications and repercussions. When your body says you need to go and sit on the toilet seat, go, don’t hold. When you listen to your body calls, preventing piles from becoming worse is much easier and simpler.

  1. Stop sitting on the toilet seat for too long

Don’t spend long hours reading a book or scrolling through the mobile sitting on the toilet seat. The more time you spend sitting on the toilet seat, the more likely you are to strain and make your bowel movements worse. The position of sitting on the toilet seat directly exerts pressure and stress on blood vessels of the anus causing them to protrude.

  1. Stay physically active

Hemorrhoids have a direct relation with physical activities and how you keep your body active. Staying physically active keeps the colon active and functions in a regular manner. But that being said, you should know which physical activity is good for you and which is not. Avoid any activity that puts strain and pressure on your abdominal region. Do not lift weights. Do not sit in one place for long hours. Moderate exercises like walking, jogging, yoga, and swimming can help the piles tissues from flaring.


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

Piles Surgery

Your doctor may perform any of these 5 surgeries, which depends on the type of piles you have:

  • Banding: Used to treat internal hemorrhoids

  • Sclerotherapy: Best for small, internal hemorrhoids

  • Hemorrhoidal artery ligation: Prescribed as a more effective surgical method

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: Used for large external piles and internal prolapsed hemorrhoids

  • Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: This laser treatment for piles has emerged as a successful treatment method for even advanced hemorrhoids. It involves minimal pain and fast recovery of the hemorrhoids, as it involves the laser ablation of the interstitial tissue* and the consequent retraction of the perianal tissue**

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Piles Laser Treatment

Laser techniques have become the most trustable latest treatment for Piles or Haemorrhoids mass. Since the home remedies fail to deliver positive results, it becomes highly important to consult the 'House of Doctors’ for Laser Piles Treatment in Mumbai. Thus if your piles have already reached the stage where surgery is necessary, the 'House of Doctors’ recommend an immediate Laser Surgery for Piles for putting an end to this phased disease.

STAPLER PILES TREATMENT/SURGERY: Stapler technique treats your root cause of piles thereby reducing chances of recurrence. In this the prolapsing piles are fixed in a stapler device, stapler cures by cutting these plopsing mass and sealing the edges with staple pins which later fall off on their own.

Severity of Piles Condition: The cost of surgery depends upon the grade of piles. If the piles condition is extremely severe and cannot be cured with minimally invasive surgery, the cost increases. To better understand the cost dependency on this factor, different severity grades of piles are explained below:

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Grade I

Presence of small swelling in the lining of the anus, not visible to the naked eyes

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Grade II

It is a little more escalated condition than grade 1 with bigger swelling comparatively. In this condition, the piles remain inside the anus lining

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Grade III

This condition is also known as prolapsed haemorrhoids because the swelling becomes bigger such that it protrudes out of the anus while exerting, but can be easily re-inserted

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Grade IV

These are large haemorrhoids that hang outside the anus that cannot be pushed back. This condition requires immediate surgery

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