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 About Hydrocele

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The Hydrocele meaning refers to a condition where the fluid that surrounds the testicles fills up the scrotum (the loose bag below the penis). This makes the scrotum look swollen and hard, but rarely painful.

It is most common in newborn babies but sometimes happens in adults as well.

Get a confidential treatment for hydrocele from the best urologists in an advanced, safe, and effective procedure and prevent the condition from turning into a major health issue.

What is hydrocele?

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A hydrocele is a condition that occurs due to the accumulation of fluids in the scrotum, around the testicles. Usually it is not dangerous but, in rare cases it can cause pain due to the decrease of blood supply to the penis which might require immediate treatment to avoid severe complications such as testicular cancer.

How does it form?

A hydrocele is a common condition among newborn babies. In babies, it develops in the womb, when the passage that allows the testicles to move from the abdomen to the scrotum fails to close completely and usually disappears without treatment within a few months. However, older boys and adult men may also develop a hydrocele due to an injury or inflammation that is caused by an infection within the scrotum.

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  • Congenital

  • Injury to the scrotum

  • Inflammation caused by infection in the scrotum

  • Here are some of the Hydrocele symptoms that require the immediate attention of a doctor:

  • Swollen scrotum, which feels hard and balloon-like

  • Heaviness in the scrotum sac

  • Change in size of the scrotum swelling throughout the day

Types of hydrocele

Communicating hydrocele
Non-communicating hydrocele


How are hydroceles detected and treated?

  • Your doctor would first conduct a thorough physical examination to check if you have a hydrocele or any other complication. Diagnosis and imaging tests may be asked to understand the severity and cause of your condition.

  • If you have a hydrocele, your doctor would request you to take surgery.

  • Physical examination

  • Your doctor would shine a light through your testicles to check the fluid surrounding your testicles. He would also gently press the scrotum and the testicles to check if you might have an inguinal hernia.

  • Diagnostic tests

  • Urine and blood tests would be performed if your doctor suspects that you have an infection.

  • Imaging tests

  • An ultrasound or an MRI or CT scan may be requested to investigate the cause of the swelling, especially if your doctor suspects a hernia or tumors.


How to recover faster from a hydrocele surgery?

Hydrocele surgeries would heal faster if you abstain from strenuous physical activity and sexual intercourse for a few weeks. This is important to reduce your risk of complications.

You may also choose to purchase a jockstrap from a sports shop. Specialized underwear can help cushion the scrotum throughout the day. Also, you could choose to apply ice packs for 10-15 minutes to bring down swelling.

Precautions to take after surgery

Hydroceles are successful surgeries that end with your or your child's complete recovery. However, there could be complications

Watch for these signs. Consult your doctor if you experiencing any of these, at the earliest:

  • Heavy bleeding

  • Persistent fever

  • Swelling and pain of the incision site (or the scrotum)

  • Bleeding of the incision site


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

Non-  Surgery

  • Aspiration and Sclerotherapy: Aspiration is a minimally-invasive procedure that involves the injecting of a needle into the hydrocele for withdrawing the fluid. After the fluid is removed, the doctor injects a sclerosing agent that uses a combination of sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STDS) inside the sack around the testicle. This helps in preventing the fluid build up. 

This procedure is commonly performed on men who are at a higher risk of complications during surgery. However, there is a slight chance that the hydrocele may come back within months, which would require another round of aspiration and sclerotherapy. 


Surgical Treatment

  • Laser hydrocelectomy: Undergoing a laser hydrocelectomy is the most long-lasting repair of hydrocele, with a much reduced risk of recurrence and a quicker rate of recovery with no risks of infection or blood clots. Performed under the influence of an anaesthesia, this procedure uses a high-intensity laser beam to drain the accumulated fluid. The doctor then removes the sac in order to prevent the recurrence of the condition. The procedure is completed in less than 30 minutes and the patient in most cases can go home in 6 to 12 hours after the procedure. 

  • Open hydrocelectomy: This is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under the influence of general anesthesia. During this procedure, the surgeon makes a cut in the scrotum or groin area and drains out the fluid via suction. The surgeon then closes the communication to the canal between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum, before removing the hydrocele sac and closing the incisions with sutures or surgical strips.

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