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About Pilonidal Sinus

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Pilonidal sinus is a very common anorectal disease. But most people are not aware of the condition.

Pilonidal sinus (PNS) occurs due to friction or sometimes the pressure on the tailbone area that causes the pores to stretch while sitting. However, this can be treated by our specialist doctors via painless surgeries or antibiotics depending on your level of infection. We at the House of Doctors offer the best in-house treatment and cure the disease with no recurrence case of pilonidal sinus (PNS) at all. As there are various pilonidal sinus surgery types, our surgeons may discuss the condition, procedure and the pilonidal sinus surgery cost with 100% transparency ensuring effectiveness in the treatment as well as the cost applied.


What is Pilonidal Sinus?


A Pilonidal sinus is a small tunnel or hole in the skin that gets filled with pus, fluid, and debris causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. A pilonidal sinus occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. Along with fluid and debris, a pilonidal sinus is often filled with hair and dirt. The condition can lead to severe pain and the infection is likely to spread to the nearby body parts if not treated on time. When infected, a pilonidal sinus may ooze pus and infected blood and emit a foul smell.

How does pilonidal sinus form?

Pilonidal sinus is basically a skin problem. When there is too much friction and pressure in the anal area, the hair between the buttocks gets pushed inward. This may either be caused by the hairs growing around the buttocks or due to the loose hair shed from the buttocks area that gathers around the cleft and gets into the pilonidal sinus.




  • Friction caused by clothes can force the hair on the buttocks to burrow back under the skin leading to pilonidal sinus disease. Nevertheless, there are several other factors contributing to the disease which can further create multiple sinuses connected under the skin.

  • Skin diseases

  • Hair between the buttocks pushed inwards due to friction

  • Too much hair in the portion

  • Sitting for long periods

Symptoms if you have pilonidal sinus:

  • Both swelling and pain

  • Abscess filled with pus

  • Bleeding and discharge


If it is a case of a prominent and severe pilonidal sinus, the anorectal specialist will be able to diagnose it just through physical examination. In case the doctor cannot evaluate the condition just by looking at the pilonidal cyst, the following tests are recommended for diagnosis. Common tests which are done to pilonidal sinus piles are:

1. Digital examination – In this test, the proctologist inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to check if there are any kind of abnormal growths. The test also confirms the depth of the tunnel and how far the condition has grown.

2. Visual inspection – In visual inspection, the pilonidal sinus specialist might examine the lower rectum using a proctoscope, an anoscope, or a sigmoidoscope. Using any of these devices, the doctor will carefully examine the lining of your anal tissues to check the severity and growth of the tissues.

3. Lab swab test – In rare conditions, the proctologist might recommend the patient undergoes a lab swab test. During the test, the doctor takes tissues from the affected area and sends them for a biopsy. The test is done to check if the tissues have grown cancerous to determine the best line of treatment where the pilonidal sinus grows severe.

Risks & Complications during the surgery:

  • Pilonidal sinus surgery is not complex but one needs to make sure that he or she in the right hands. Undergoing the surgery at the hands of a trained doctor cuts down the chances of your risks significantly. But, like any other surgical treatment, the success or risks associated with pilonidal sinus treatment are also highly dependent upon the severity of the condition and the surgeon’s experience. Although not very common, a patient may suffer from any of the following conditions during or after the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus.

  • Trauma and bleeding – If the surgery is not efficiently performed, there is a chance that the anal tissues might be injured. Trauma and injury to the injuries may lead to bleeding. The chances of bleeding during pilonidal sinus surgery is higher in the case of open surgery. The risk of injury entirely depends on the experience of the surgeon who performs the surgery. Additionally, the complication may also get severe or lower depending upon the condition of the pilonidal sinus.

  • Infection – Infections can develop at any point during pilonidal sinus surgery. The chances of the surgical site getting infected are higher in case of open surgery or in cases where the patient does not allow the site to heal properly.

  • Reaction to anesthesia – Several patients report experiencing side effects of anesthesia. Due to the reaction, the patient might feel drowsy and nauseated for a longer time than usual. This is not a very complex risk. But if the effects of the anesthesia remain for longer than usual, the patient should consult with the doctor.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma – A form of skin cancer that occurs due to uncontrolled growth of the squamous cells. Although a very rare complication, people have reported suffering from the complication.

Risks & Complications if left untreated:

  • When you leave the pilonidal sinus untreated for a long time, it can lead to abscesses that can get painful and swollen. Purulent discharge along with blood is also very likely to ooze out from the sinus tract. The discharge can be so smelly at times that it can lead to embarrassment and adversely affect a person’s personal as well as work life. If case a chronic pilonidal sinus is left untreated for a long time, the person has a higher risk of developing multiple sinus tracts. Having multiple sinus tracts can lead to unbearable pain and swelling. If a person leaves pilonidal sinus untreated or does not treat recurrent pilonidal sinus, he or she is at increased risk of skin cancer. This can further lead to skin cancer known as squamous cell carcinoma. If left untreated, pilonidal sinus can also lead to fistula, a condition known as a pilonidal fistula -in – ano. Pilonidal fistula-in-and is the rarest complication that can happen due to untreated pilonidal sinus.

  • There is no accurate way to prevent pilonidal sinus. But there are definitely ways to reduce your risks of getting a pilonidal sinus. Here is a list of suggestions and tips that you can follow:

  • Keep the anal area clean – Cleaning the anal area is the first and foremost step to prevent a pilonidal sinus from occurring or growing. Exfoliate and clean the anal area regularly. If you see/ feel any hair strands, take away the loose strands to prevent them from entering the skin. After washing or cleaning, keep the area dry as the dampness and moisture can increase the growth of bacteria in the area.

  • Do not sit for long hours – Constant pressure on your sacral region may put you at a higher risk of getting a pilonidal sinus. Hence, you should avoid sitting in the same position for a long period of time.

  • Shift to eating a healthy diet – The weight of the body can directly be influenced by the diet you consume. Obese or overweight people are more likely to develop a pilonidal sinus due to the constant pressure of the intergluteal cleft. This can be prevented by achieving an optimum body weight which can be achieved by consuming a healthy diet and staying physically active.

  • Check for lumps and soreness in your anal area – Your anal area needs as much care as the rest of your body. Check around the anal area almost every day while taking shower. Check if the area has started developing any lumps or soreness. If you experience any unusual growths, check with a proctologist without fail.


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

  1. CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT: Surgery is the only treatment for pilonidal sinus, conservative treatment gives temporary relief. If there are no signs or symptoms found after diagnosis all incluive antibiotics will be prescribed to kill the chain of bacteria. But surgery is important as early as possible once the diagnosis is made.

  2. LANCING: In this form of pilonidal sinus surgery, our professional surgeons at the House of Doctors may use a scalpel to open the sinus filled with pus, hair and blood from the abscess.

  3. SURGERY LASER PILONIDOPLASTY: A pilonidal sinus surgery in Mumbai at the House of Doctors will be immediately recommended by us if you are diagnosed with multiple sinus tracts or in the case of reoccurring pilonidal sinus.

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