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About chronic sinusitis

IMG Healthcare offers advanced FESS procedures with no visible scars to treat blocked sinuses for improved breathing and better sleep quality by our expert ENT specialists at minimal cost.

Chronic sinusitis can contribute to infections, breathing problems, and sleep apnea.

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Sinusitis refers to the swelling or inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are air-filled cavities that lie within the bones of the face. They are responsible for keeping the inside of the nose moist by producing mucus. There are usually four types of sinuses- 

  • Ethmoid sinus – Between the eyes

  • Frontal sinus – Behind the forehead

  • Maxillary sinus – Behind the cheekbones 

  • Sphenoid sinus – Under the base of the skull 

When an individual is suffering from sinusitis, sinuses are filled with fluid causing germs to grow and cause an infection. Sinusitis can be caused due to various factors such as common cold, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps (small growth in the lining of the nose), deviated septum, allergies, smoke in the environment, etc. In India, around 15% population is affected by sinusitis and paranasal sinus (PNS). Chronic sinusitis affects approximately 24 million Indians annually, making it more common than diabetes, asthma, and coronary heart disease. 

FESS or functional endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive procedure to treat blocked sinuses or chronic sinus infections. The doctor uses an endoscope to remove polyps, affected tissues, mucus, etc., to restore normal breathing and proper sinus ventilation. 


Sinusitis can occur in adults as well as children. There are several causes and risk factors that contribute to the progression of inflamed sinuses – 

  • Nasal polyps – The abnormal tissue growth can block the nasal passage leading to the accumulation of mucus, causing sinusitis. 

  • Deviated nasal septum – An abnormal or crooked nasal septum can also progress sinusitis due to the restricted or blocked passage around the sinus. This can even worsen the symptoms of sinusitis.

  • Miscellaneous medical conditions – There can be complications related to medical conditions concerning the immune system, such as HIV, cystic fibrosis, etc., that can lead to nasal blockage and eventually sinusitis. 

  • Respiratory tract infections – There can be several viral or bacterial infections in your respiratory tract that cause common colds. The inflammation and thickening of your sinus membranes cause mucus blockage. 

  • Allergies – Several allergies can cause hay fever that can block your sinuses, causing inflammation.

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  • Allergies

  • Nasal polyps

  • Deviated nasal septum

  • Respiratory tract infections

  • Miscellaneous medical conditions


  • Fatigue

  • Ear pain

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • Postnasal drainage

  • Nasal inflammation

  • Cough or throat clearing

  • Reduced sense of smell and taste

  • Aching in your upper jaw and teeth

  • Pain and swelling around eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead

  • A congested and blocked nose that causes difficulty in breathing


There are different tests to determine the condition of your sinusitis. There are several tests to determine the severity of your sinuses based on these tests. Some of the diagnostic tests are as follows – 

  • Imaging tests – Imaging tests such as CT scans and X-rays can help produce detailed images to pinpoint any inflammation or physical blockage due to polyps, tumors, or other abnormalities that may lead to the progression of acute or chronic sinusitis. 

  • Tests for existing allergies – An allergy can be a prime suspect for nasal blockage or chronic sinusitis. In that case, an allergy skin test is helpful to determine any allergen that is responsible for your nasal flare-ups. 

How to prevent it?

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The early preventive measures can help curb the progression of sinusitis and reduce the risk of major complications. Some of the preventive measures for sinusitis are as follows – 

Avoid respiratory infections – The patients must avoid contact with people already suffering from cold or respiratory infections. It is also important to frequently wash your hands with soap and water before meals.

Be aware of your allergies – Patients must be aware of seasonal allergies and avoid exposure to allergic elements that can often lead to sinuses and other respiratory infections. Consult with your doctor for remedies to keep symptoms related to respiratory infections under control. 

Avoid exposure to polluted air – Patients must avoid frequent exposure to contaminated air or cigarette smoke that can irritate and inflame the lungs and nasal passages, causing several respiratory disorders.


Use a humidifier – It is important that your surrounding air is purified and free of any impurities. A good quality humidifier can ensure good air quality along with clean air. You must make sure your air purifier is free of mold and cleaned thoroughly regularly.


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

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