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About Varicose veins ?

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Varicose veins or Spider veins often look swollen, enlarged, blue/dark purple veins. And they tend to occur when some faulty valves cause the vein to pool blood or cause the blood to flow in the wrong direction.

These veins often appear on legs and feet when there's a malfunction in the veins which affects the blood flow.

For most people varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern because of the lumpy vein look on the skin. However, for some these may cause pain and discomfort which may lead to serious problems.

At IMG Healthcare, we can help you from varicose veins by the help of our experienced vascular surgeons and get permanent relief from the painful symptoms of varicose veins with the most advanced, effective, and laser treatment for varicose veins.

What are Varicose Veins?

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Varicose veins, also called varicosities, is a condition where there are visible, bulging veins in your leg or near your feet. It is a prevalent condition in India, with women being more at risk than men. Most cases of varicose veins in the leg do not require treatment or urgent medical attention unless they are accompanied with pain or discomfort.


Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted or swollen veins, that usually appear on the legs or feet, just beneath the surface of the skin and are commonly caused due to defect in the valves within the veins that allow blood to flow in the wrong direction, often appearing in blue or dark purple. Varicose veins can occur in any part of the body but most commonly affect the legs. Legs are generally affected by varicose veins because of the pressure that is exerted on the legs due to prolonged sitting and standing hours or due to obesity. Every year, more than 23 percent of adults are estimated to be affected by varicose veins.

How does it form?

Varicose veins is a medical condition that takes place when veins in any particular part of the body are under increased pressure and blood is pushed back towards the heart. The increased pressure and force in blood flow results in the damage or weakening of the valves that lie within the veins, causing the blood to pool and even flow backwards which leads the veins to bulge out and become visible through the skin.  


Types of Disease:

Saphenous/ Trunk varicose veins
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Reticular varicose
Spider or Thread



  • Aging (in women, the arrival of menopause is associated)

  • Family history of varicose veins

  • Obesity

  • Pregnancy

  • Chronic constipation

  • Pain in the affected leg veins accompanied with swelling

  • Skin discoloration

  • Increased pain after standing or sitting for an hour

  • Feeling of heaviness in the affected leg

  • Itchiness, tenderness or a burning sensation in the legs


  • Doppler test: This test uses ultrasound to determine the blood flow in the veins located in the arms, legs and the large arteries. This is a simple non-invasive test and generally it is well-tolerated by the patients. During the test, a water-soluble gel is placed on a handheld device, which is known as a transducer. Once this device is gently passed over the skin above the blood vessels, it helps in directing sound-waves to the artery or the veins that are being tested. 

  • Ultrasound scan: This scan helps in carrying out a detailed examination of the deep veins, particularly if the patient has a history of deep vein thrombosis. A venous ultrasound helps in identifying the damaged valves and abnormal blood blood in the body.

How to recover faster from surgery for varicose veins?

  • Surgeries and treatments for varicose veins would result in mild swelling and pain. However, this will subside over the course of about 3 weeks.

  • Here's how you can experience relief from varicose vein pain, after treatment:

  • Avoid smoking as it can delay healing from the surgery

  • Try to avoid crossing your legs, and standing and sitting for long periods of time

  • While lying down you could try to elevate your legs, by placing a pillow under them

  • Wear compression stockings most of the time during the 1st and 2nd week

Precautions to take after varicose vein treatment

Surgeries for varicose veins usually end with your complete recovery and absence of previous pain and discomfort. However, there could be complications.

Watch out for these signs. Contact a doctor if you notice any of these:

  • Elevated pain, redness and swelling (could be indicative of a blood clot)

  • Bleeding from the surgery incision

Are there any home remedies for varicose veins?

If you have painful varicose veins, do visit your doctor and take surgery, if suggested. This guide is only intended for those with varicose veins that are painless.

Varicose veins are indicative of strain and pressure on the veins in the leg. Follow these varicose veins remedies at home, to reduce the chances of experiencing painful varicose veins:

  • Avoid standing and sitting for long periods

  • Sit and sleep with your legs elevated

  • Do not cross your legs while sitting

  • If you are overweight, try reducing your weight. Obesity is a risk factor for painful varicose veins.

  • Wear loose clothes, and not tight-fitting ones that add more pressure on the veins

  • Use compression stockings whenever possible

How to prevent it?

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Image by Jo Sonn
Image by Julia Zolotova

You can only decrease your risk of varicose veins, but cannot prevent it completely.

Here's how you could lower your chances of developing varicosities:

  • Avoid standing for long hours

  • If you have spider or varicose veins, choose flat-heeled footwear over heels. Heels add strain on the veins in the leg

  • Smoking has been found to increase the risk of varicose veins. Minimize or try stopping smoking, completely

  • Regular exercise reduces your chances of developing varicose veins


10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

10 yrs of experience

Types of Kidney Stone Surgery

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  • Endovenous laser therapy ablation: Also known as endovenous laser treatment or EVLA, this is a minimally invasive ultrasound-guided procedure that involves the use of ultrasound images and laser fibre in order to kill the delicate lining of the veins. After a few days following the procedure, the body absorbs the dead tissues, closing off the abnormal veins with minimal or no discomfort. This is one of the most commonly preferred methods as it involves far fewer complications and the recovery time as well as success rate of this method is much faster and higher than that of any surgical process.


  • Vein ligation and stripping: This is a surgical procedure that is done in order to remove a damaged vein and prevent future complications like ulcers, clotting, etc. in the affected vein. During the surgery, two to three incisions, each ranging around 5 cm in diameter are made over the damaged veins and the veins are tied off or ligated. Normally, the recovery time in this procedure is longer than that of the minimally invasive techniques. This method is usually preferred in treating people who are suffering from trophic ulcers or varicose eczema as it is in this stage that skin starts decomposing and develops into a non-healing ulcer. 


  • Transilluminated powered phlebectomy: This is a vein removal procedure that makes use of a bright light, which is known as an endoscopic transilluminator to illuminate the vein. During the process, a number of incisions will be made on your leg and the surgeon will place the transilluminator underneath your skin so they are able to see the veins that need to be removed. As soon as the veins are identified, they will be cut and will be removed through the incisions using a suction device. 


Grade I

(Spider veins)

Grade II

(Reticular veins)

Grade III

(Venous nodes or varicose veins)

Grade IV

(Chronic venous insufficiency)

Grade V

(Trophic ulcers or varicose eczema)

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